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Gold Digger

John and Evelyn fell in love at first sight. This was not really hard for Evelyn since John was dressed to the 9s. His watch was Cartier, his slipper  Gucci, he spoke like a Nigerian god all deep timbre and pedegree. He wasn't popping bottles no, he was too clasy for that, he ordered the best wine on the menu and their food cost an arm and a leg. This was the man of her dreams. he was also a solid 15 years older, but you wouldn't know. When Jon saw evelyn he figured he had seen an angel, beautiful and very sassy. She was smart held her own through the entire conversation, she was most improtantly the most beautiful human beign he had set his eyes on, Pettite and voluptous, she was a dream, to be honest, if she hadn't been so smart he won't have minded, she was eye candy enough to forgive all sin. He also noticed she liked expensive things, he didn't mind he had enough money to spend. 

Philip was tired of Hard work. This was his 3rd interview and he figured if he didn't land this one he will have to resort to 419 like his room mate. He entered the room and saw Mrs X. she was 40 to his 25 but she won't stop giving him the look. There were others on the panel but he was definatly getting a vibe from madam. The next day as he shows up to return his employment package and listen to the receptionist talk about how quickly he got his offer, he sees madam leaving the building and like a well brought up man he follows her out to greeet her and thank her better. 2 weeks later he is Driving his wn car and has a hotel room with his name on it. Where he goes to take care of the new love of his life Mrs X. He is definitely exclusive now, it just may be love. 

The was an old joke my Mother used to crack, the punch line was "no love without finance"  so this is not a new thing.

What is Gold digging now anyway?

According to wiki "gold digging describes the phenomenon of women (predominantly young and attractive), meeting wealthy men in hope to get monetary gains and increase their social status".  

This is all fine and good but you and I  know this is not a female thing alone. 
With females doing work and getting paid, there is also a rise in the number of male gold diggers out there.

I have come to realize though that Gold digger is only used when people believe that there is no way that the person receiving the attention can possibly be worth it especially from somebody that looks like the giver of said attention. So to allow things make sense to us, we have to balance the equation that the person has to be in it for the money. Well yes, but we are all in relationships for something.
We have to understand and accept when we enter into a relationship with a person we usually go for something maybe their brain, personality, looks or other skills why can't money be one of them. 

Based on this, the concept of the Gold digger shouldn't be a thing.
We are all assuming that a woman or man young and beautiful or strong like that won't have considered someone older if they did not have money, so what? The fact that you are picked only because you are young, strong and/or beautiful or handsome isn't that placing a price on love already? 

Something has to attract a person to another person, so now the other partner should get called a youth digger, virility digger, beauty digger, smarts digger; take your pick. Just don't hold it over someones head so strongly if money is the MOTIVATION for the LOVE   because we can quantify money but not beauty. Trying to make sense of another persons relationship is like trying to fill a river while throwing stones into it. You will just end up wasting your time and not understanding anything.

So on that note, cheers to your love for whatever reason!!!


PS: I am a romantic and I believe in true love, I hope you find it. Let someone love you flaws and all, when you are broke and broken and when you are racking in stacks too.  


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