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Showing posts from November, 2017

Mama or Bestie?

Is it my responsibility as a mother to be friends maybe even best friends with my child? I have noticed that some parents try more to be friends with their children and in the process neglect being parents.  What's the difference between a parent and a friend in the strictest sense of the word.  A friend is someone who most likely smokes shit with you, you have similar if not the same goals. Most likely if its real friendship you cover up each other's messes and you are honest so basically if one gets caught, the other will be right beside them or maybe be the emergency contact to bail them out. You make similar silly mistakes andget wise together A parent on the other hand is one who in the biological sense brings you into the world. In the normal sense it's their responsibility to provide for, teach and guide you so you are of some use to the world. If they are there for you to talk to and can afford periodically to buy you candy, sit with you when you are i...

History Vs Chemistry

Jane and James met outside the office of the Head Of Department of Economics after she had turned down his offer to perform 'certain acts' to boost her grades in "Econ 211”. She was quite upset and James offered what she needed, a listening ear and adequate connections to the Vice Chancellor to reprimand the HOD. It was love at about 6th sight since he had to complete the doing of the favour to get her interested. They stayed together through it all. Even when there was the cheating scandal or the times he gave her STD. Fast forward to 2017, they are still together, he hasn't yet popped the question because he is waiting for his business to win the contract.  She offers 'discount wife' services like cooking, sex, moral and spiritual support. He is periodically unfaithful, emotionally overbearing, but he supports her and God fearing, and she believes she loves him. He is of course Christian, attending her Church and her parents know and tolerate him....