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Showing posts from June, 2016

An Ode to Men

                                                   I love Men, yep you read right, however, lately the guys have been getting the short end of the stick. While sometimes this happens for balance, we sometimes punish them very unfairly. It's unfair because some men now are more for equality that even the women I mean if it means they can enjoy a free ride why the heck not? but that's not what this is about. This post is to remind us why we still love them. Just a short ride down memory lane: Some of my earliest memories as a child are of my eldest brother; how he used to go to the room and hide with me when the cartoon "animal crackers" came on. Nothing scared me like animal crackers and while he wasn't scared of animal crackers, he just knew I was afraid so he will take me to the room to hide while he watched the door to make sure that no monste...

Young Lady, Wait Just a Little Longer.

In a world that needs us to be constantly active, how do you justify a virtue like patience. I have been doing some self evaluation and I realize that this is a trait that eludes me greatly. I do not know how to wait. I always considered this a great trait my impatience; bragging how impatient I am constantly reminding people that my time is valuable. But every day I am shamed as I encounter this trait in my husband. That man can wait for nations.                                                                                          I have never gotten it but I have always respected other peoples patience. I keep finding myself thinking all these minutes of inaction, all this time spent waiting how do you know that what you are waiting...

Age and The Nigerian Mentality

Age is a very serious matter in Nigeria. People act like as you get older, the gods just appear to you on birthdays and impart life's wisdom on you that younger people are not privy to. This wisdom now gives you the right to act like a god over people and say things you would not want said to you; due to age, that chilled, laid back work place that is gaining traction in the Western world cannot work in Nigeria. When you were seriously beaten for not calling someone who your older sister was friends with 'SIS' because she was older than you, or 'BROS' all because of age, you now want to walk down the corridor of the office and refer to your senior or Jero or Esther, so they will stop you and explain to you how many meetings they have had with the gods therefore you have no right to be referring  to them on first name basis or when a young person tries to tell one of your subordinate staff members who happens to be much older than you off and they go out and grumbl...